Eco Church

And God said, “Let Us make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creep upon the earth.” - Genesis 1:26

A More Sustainable Church

We are proud that in 2016 we were the first church in the Diocese of Lincoln to get the the Eco Congregation award.  We believe that if everyone does what feels like just a little, together it will add up to a lot.  We are currently in the process of applying for our Silver Eco Church award.  

God saw all that he had made, and it was very good - Genesis 1:31


For the past two years we have held a spring eco fair called Wild, which has hosted a wide range of other groups sharing their conservation and ecological messages. 


External Groups

The list below contains the names of groups who stood at this year's event and links to their websites.

Our Wildflower Meadow

With the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust we started rewilding our churchyard in October 2020.

The hope was to reintroduce native flowers and grasses and create a wide range of habitats on the Ermine.

Initially we removed a 3m strip of turf and roots from the perimeter of our land and seeded it locally sourced seeds.

Four pictures showing our land being prepared for planting seed. 1 A found frog, 2 turf cutting, 3 grass cuttings being removed, 4 finally done.

Preparing the land for seeding - October 2020

A priest and bishop with a gardener blessing a new wildflower meadow.

The Bishop blessing our meadow - Easter 2021

Rachel our vicar mowing the meadow.

Revd. Rachel "eating" the meadow.

In summer 2021 we seeded a further 3m strip.  In 2024 this 6m of meadow is thriving and sustaining itself, although we still have to cut the grass to fool it into thinking it has been eaten

We now have plans to rewild even more of our land with more meadow, and introduce a hedge row between the church and the houses. 

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Some of the native flowers currently growing

The Ocean Cleanup

This month we are praying for The Ocean Cleanup

The Ocean Cleanup is a non-profit organization who are developing and scaling technologies to rid the world’s oceans of plastic.  Their aim is to put themselves out of business once the oceans are clean.

Please pray for them regularly throughout July, if you would find it helpful, print off the toothbrush prayer and put it in your bathroom to remind you to pray every time you brush.

A person stood on an estuary covered in plastic.
